Accelerator program for a sustainable future

Want to collaborate on projects that make the world a more sustainable place?

Become part of the tu.CREATE x Miele Challenge 2023. Together with Miele we have defined 5 sustainable projects that need your knowledge, creativity and motivation.

In a paid 8-week project that starts on 27.02.2023 in Dortmund, you will work with a team on one of 5 sustainability projects and learn how to develop an idea into a business solution.

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The program

tu.CREATE x Miele Challenge

Miele.CREATE is a joint program of TU concept and Miele. We want to get young people excited about the start-up mentality, explore new business areas and bring sustainable ideas forward together.  

The best part? You don't need any prior knowledge. At the beginning of the program, we will provide you with the necessary knowledge and methodological tools so that you can concentrate fully on developing and testing ideas and building a business model together with your team. In addition, you can expect an internship salary, practical experience, important soft skills and valuable contacts in the business world.

The subject of the challenge


Our environment is increasingly threatened by the impacts of climate change and we want to work together to...

...the focus is placed on solutions that conserve resources and the environment.

...the topic of sustainability is lived and transferred into business models.

...we bring tomorrow's ideas forward for a better future.

What you can expect

8 weeks full program

Step 1
Apply until 01.02.2023
Step 2
Selection of participants
Step 3
Kick-off event on 27.02.2023
Step 4
Methodology bootcamp at the start of the program
Step 5
8 weeks of intensive idea validation
Step 6
Celebration Day and idea pitches

What to bring

You are a perfect match for the program if you... to take on new challenges and step out of your comfort zone

...are interested in topics like innovation management, design, entrepreneurship or marketing

...have initiative and like to work in a team on new ideas to bring them forward

...want to get a breath of start-up air and are interested in sustainability

What you can work on

The 5 ideas at a glance